
The Experiment

Hey guys! Mara here.

I know, I know. Sorry it's been forever but things have been very busy. School, home, and so many things have just been all over the place! Looking back at how the past few weeks have been, I'm still amazed at how I'm here with you today :p

First things first.

I don't think scheduling posts every ____ day is very motivating. It's weight loss and no matter how we think of it, it's a long process and there's no half-assing it. Therefore, this would be something Emmaleigh and I would post on when the need arises and whatnot.


I'm sorry but to be perfectly honest, I have not been exercising or eating as healthy as I would like lately. I have only been maintaining my weight which isn't really anything to celebrate about but it's not dreadful either.

That being said, after getting into a funk with everything, because of a school thing, I want to get back into losing weight!

It's a behavioral experiment and if you'd like to join, feel free to!

The premise:
Write down a goal that is achievable in two weeks. Have five rewards and punishments. These rewards and punishments must be attainable and/or can be reasonably enforced.

You will need:
A monitor and a table showing the following details: date, behavior expected, actual performance, reinforcement for daily achievement.

My monitor would be my friend Mai as I would be hers. Our goal was to be able to exercise everyday for at least 30 minutes, for two weeks.

But of course I don't want to start without a plan in mind. I have to budget those 30 minutes right.

So now, I'd like to plan it so I don't make a fool out of myself :p

  • Warm-up - 5 minutes. (stretching + dancing a little to some music to get pumped)
  • Combination of forward and side lunges - 5 minutes
  • Forward crunches - 5 minutes
  • Side crunches - 5 minutes
  • Squats - 5 minutes
  • Cool down - 5 minutes. (stretching s'more plus deep breathing and such)
So there's that. I'm hoping to target my tummy, sides, thighs and butt :p I'ma do arm movements with the lunges, too but that isn't really much to mention as it's a little thing (hope I can buy weights this week).

But there's more to it. I'm having my own little monitor sheet for myself :p
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water
  • Eat a heavy but as non-greasy as possible breakfast
  • Eat a nice portion of lunch and a small portion of dinner
  • Have an a.m. snack and a p.m. snack
  • 1 cup of rice is the limit (though I usually consume half)
  • 2 pieces of chocolate is the limit (of those miniature things and or kisses we have at home. If it's dark chocolate, better)
So there's that.

I think we begin Saturday. Here's to hoping I form habits with this behavioral experiment :p

'Til then,
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