
Lessons in Time Management

It's Wednesday and I almost forgot that I had to post!

Keyword: Almost.


Right now I'm caught up with four things.
  1. Work
  2. Studies
  3. Online responsibilities
  4. Personal hoohahs (What's a hoohah? I have no idea, but let's just say that that's everything else that comes into my life)
This week I had to be reminded of a very important lesson.

Time management.

Things in my way:
  • emotions
Credits: Google Images

Yeaaaah that's about it. I sort of get to a dead end when I get to a mood/motivation/emotional slump. Plus I overextended myself.

  1. I took a job to write 50 articles by Thursday last Sunday.
  2. I have an exam on Thursday
  3. I didn't know my mood wouldn't be so hot
  4. I didn't know my body wouldn't be so cooperative.
The problem is, I shouldn't have taken the job. But then again, I need the money. Sooo...

I had to tackle the problem.

I asked for an extension from Thursday to Sunday. Thankfully, my "boss" said yes BUT I have to send the 20 by today. So I'm finishing that before I get to study.

Another problem? I don't feel so motivated to study and I don't even know why. Prolly because I'm fretting over my "job."

Then for number 3? Yeah. Personal hoohah :p

4? I'm sick. I have the sniffles. I think I'm allergic to sudden changes in temperature o_O

So what now?

I bring forth to you the lessons to remember
  1. Know your priorities. Which is more important to do? In this case it was my studies. I asked if I could have an extension, and if not, what would my options be? They told me 30 now 20 later initially but I said I really needed to study and they/he/the boss kindly said yes to my 20 now 30 later offer.
  2. Don't set a ridiculous time frame. Don't assume you'd be done in just a certain amount of time, that you can cover ____ in ____ hours. No. You don't know if you'd get sick, depressed, anything. You just don't know. As awesome as it is to surf the net or go out, have fun. It's much wiser to get things done at a good time before they have to be done.
  3. Know something's coming up? Counteract the effects. Last week I was like "okay, I have an exam, must do predone entries for the blog. And so I did... one :)) I've done pre-written/scheduled posts before and it really has been a life saver.
  4. DONT DONT DONT OVEREXTEND YOURSELF. A guy/gal/panda could only do so much. If you go, "meh... I can still do that.. yeah I can take this too.." you'd end up half-a$$ing everything, stressing yourself out or even worse, setting yourself up to fail.
Today I've re-learned an important lesson and I have to stick with it. Let's hope things like this don't happen again too often.

Hope ya'll are doing good.

'Til the next stop,


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