
Reality Check: Starting Again

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Hey guys, I'm back. Just got a wakeup call today and thought that if I'm going to be real and honest, rather than just spewing advice and not living up to it, I should put my thoughts down today.


At the summer of this year (Philippine time -- April-Early June) I stopped my little "lifestyle change" (I hate the word diet). I just stopped trying, stopped being meticulous, just... stopped. Why? Because I've reached plateau. It was hard to see that around March, I wasn't losing weight anymore and my weight would play around 140 to 143. It sucked because I felt that I was exerting so much effort and nothing was happening. I used to lose weight a little quick and at the time I stopped, I did so because even in a month, I wouldn't lose any weight and I'd prolly gain a pound or two.

I gave up. I'm ashamed that I did but I won't lie about it. I slowly started eating more, not paying attention to what I eat anymore, etc. Lately, I thought I was in pretty good shape because things have been fitting better, I feel better and I've been eating what I want. I haven't checked the scale in over three or four months (?) because for some reason it got lost when we we did "spring cleaning" and I haven't seen it again until today.

I took a deep breath. Something told me to expect that I gained a few pounds BUT I didn't expect myself to gain so much.

From my epic win of getting to 140 from 161, I am now back to 147. I felt a little crushed. I knew there's no one else to blame but me. It's just so hard to diet when you have more free time to think and lately, when there's rarely any time to think and you stress eat.

But enough excuses. I have to go through what I have written. The phases in the journey of weight loss. And I know I can do this as I have Em and anyone who would go through this journey with us :) It's always easier having people to do it with, y'know?

So let's go through half of it first.

Phase 1: Know what you're doing this for.

Me? I wanna be healthy. I'm going to work in the medical field. I don't wanna preach things I don't follow. Right now, my family's getting their own wakeup calls and I'm glad that somehow everyone knows what to do now, that for quite a while now, we've just been eating too much and we're not moving enough :p I wanna be able to keep up with my clients when I start treating, you know? I wanna be able to move and not get tired too quick.

Phase 2: Assessment
Today I weighed myself. I am 147lbs and at the height of 5'2", I'm well overweight. My BMI? 26.9 UGH. To be normal, I have to be at 24.9 or 136 lbs. So I'm 11 lbs away from being of the borderline healthy weight :p Oh well. Have to face the facts :)

Phase 3: Planning
I know that this'll be slow so I might as well condition myself. By the end of August I hope to be at 144lbs. By the end of September, hopefully at 139lbs. By the end of November, hopefully at 135lbs. I'm taking it slow.

Things I have to remember:
  • count your calories, Mara!
  • You can only have half a cup of rice at every meal
  • eat on a small plate
  • drink loads of water
  • find better snacks
  • you MUST eat breakfast within an hour of you waking up
I guess that's it for now. With my month goal I have to lose three pounds in over two weeks. I know it's a small goal but believe me, it's better than waiting a month to lose one pound.


'Til the next stop,


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