
The Experiment

Hey guys! Mara here.

I know, I know. Sorry it's been forever but things have been very busy. School, home, and so many things have just been all over the place! Looking back at how the past few weeks have been, I'm still amazed at how I'm here with you today :p

First things first.

I don't think scheduling posts every ____ day is very motivating. It's weight loss and no matter how we think of it, it's a long process and there's no half-assing it. Therefore, this would be something Emmaleigh and I would post on when the need arises and whatnot.


I'm sorry but to be perfectly honest, I have not been exercising or eating as healthy as I would like lately. I have only been maintaining my weight which isn't really anything to celebrate about but it's not dreadful either.

That being said, after getting into a funk with everything, because of a school thing, I want to get back into losing weight!

It's a behavioral experiment and if you'd like to join, feel free to!

The premise:
Write down a goal that is achievable in two weeks. Have five rewards and punishments. These rewards and punishments must be attainable and/or can be reasonably enforced.

You will need:
A monitor and a table showing the following details: date, behavior expected, actual performance, reinforcement for daily achievement.

My monitor would be my friend Mai as I would be hers. Our goal was to be able to exercise everyday for at least 30 minutes, for two weeks.

But of course I don't want to start without a plan in mind. I have to budget those 30 minutes right.

So now, I'd like to plan it so I don't make a fool out of myself :p

  • Warm-up - 5 minutes. (stretching + dancing a little to some music to get pumped)
  • Combination of forward and side lunges - 5 minutes
  • Forward crunches - 5 minutes
  • Side crunches - 5 minutes
  • Squats - 5 minutes
  • Cool down - 5 minutes. (stretching s'more plus deep breathing and such)
So there's that. I'm hoping to target my tummy, sides, thighs and butt :p I'ma do arm movements with the lunges, too but that isn't really much to mention as it's a little thing (hope I can buy weights this week).

But there's more to it. I'm having my own little monitor sheet for myself :p
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water
  • Eat a heavy but as non-greasy as possible breakfast
  • Eat a nice portion of lunch and a small portion of dinner
  • Have an a.m. snack and a p.m. snack
  • 1 cup of rice is the limit (though I usually consume half)
  • 2 pieces of chocolate is the limit (of those miniature things and or kisses we have at home. If it's dark chocolate, better)
So there's that.

I think we begin Saturday. Here's to hoping I form habits with this behavioral experiment :p

'Til then,

The Value of Sleep

(Go me and my creative Skitch skillz)

Hey Kids, Mara here.

Sorry I've been MIA. Acads = hell and just this morning I realized how tired my body was -- I experienced hypotension. Luckily our morning class was cancelled. When I woke up, I barely turned in bed and felt the world spin, srsly. After a while, I tried sitting up... which wasn't a smart idea... because it didn't take long for the spinning to get really bad and I fell to my side and I gave in, slept for another hour. Soon the hour was over, I tried getting up again, tried walking despite feeling terrible. I went to the electronic blood pressure thing and it read 89/66.

The last time I had low blood pressure, I don't think it reached that low, but it has happened once before. The reason? Lack of sleep.

I haven't been sleeping well and it's never good for the body. But it's sad because I can't avoid it, not with the university I go to, not with the course I'm taking. I worry about what it'll be like when internship rolls along but oh well.

So let's run through WHY you MUST get enough sleep
  • Sleep = time for your body to repair. I think this is pretty self-explanatory.
  • Sleep helps keep your heart healthy! I can attest to this because of my blood pressure woes =\
  • Sleep helps deal with stress. Did you ever feel like everything's just going wrong, that everything's been terrible, that everything's overwhelming? Sometimes sleeping on it could just clear your mind and help you handle it better the next day.
  • Sleep = better memory! I don't know about you, but I cannot function for an exam if I don't sleep. Sleep is equal to your computer saving its files. I feel like it's when I can integrate everything somehow. Otherwise it's just free-floating information that flits away.
  • Sleep = better weight management! I think this is a big thing for me. I don't get enough sleep and along with my other problems leading to difficulty in weight loss. When you don't get enough sleep you get an increase in appetite -- specifically for food high in fat, calories and sugar-y death =\
Those are just some of the many reasons sleep is so important. Did you also know that there's a correlation between sleep deprivation and death? Look it up. Hopefully I'll get better soon, but for now, I have to dash again because I'm feeling weak and dizzy again =\ Really need rest.

'Til the next stop,


Hi bloggie! This is Em and I wanna apologize to you for not being responsible the past week in updating you. :( Both Mara and I had just been crazy busy with our school and sometimes I had to work after classes plus there's some personal stuff going on in my life right now and I can't stay focus. I am sorry once again. (:

Don't worry bloggie, I am back now, I had the full day to myself and just took a lil break from my reading so I can update everyone.

Ok. September is almost over and it's time for me to update everyone about the SEPTEMBER CHALLENGE I had that's open to everyone who wanted to join the weight loss challenge.


Image credits to google images

My goal was to at least lose 6lbs in this September challenge I had, I only lost 2lbs. I think stress is a factor, I have had not been sleeping properly since school started and on the weekend I've been trying to catch up on my sleep and that means my meals are pushed on a later time and I've been lacking exercise too.





But this is a FOR THE WIN blog right?I will WIN the OCTOBER CHALLENGE! I will not let stress and temptations triumph over me! I am Em, I am the other half of TEAM EMMARAH, this is a FOR THE WIN BLOG and I will achieve my weight loss goal for October. That's a promise.

Are there any lessons I learned during the whole September challenge?

- Yes. My goals should not just be focused on how to eat right and trying to cut back on sweets and too much sodium. I also need to plan my time properly, don't and never stay up late if it isn't necessary.

This whole diet/challenge thing is very new to me and as I go along, I learn a lot of things, I fail some, I win some and I will not stop learning until I reach my weight goal.

I will see you guys again on the launching of the OCTOBER CHALLENGE.

It is still Sunday my time 5:56pm, so to some us, let's enjoy the rest of our Sunday and Happy Monday to all of you guys in the Philippines.



Hey guys! Sorry for the late post, but yes, I, Mara, am here.

I was going to post Friday but I wanted to give Em's post its time to shine so I waited a little. But yay! Here I am.

Been hecka busy lately. I now have at least one exam every week. I actually have one tomorrow. I'm so overwhelmed and there's just so much going on that I'm actually feeling down and not so posty. But fear not! I will NOT let my emotions wreak havoc on my journey with whoever's with me and Em in this, be it one guy/girl, five, seven, who knows, right?

First things first, I am sad to announce that I am dropping out of the September challenge =\ I know, it's a disgrace/etc. It's not like I'm scarfing down sweet munchies as I type but from here on 'til the end of the sem I'd be pretty much stressed and I need a sweet treat every now and then to keep me going. Don't worry, I take things in moderation so I'll be alright :) Right now, I'm just going through a tough time is all and I don't want to be unfair by saying "I ate one _____" but I'm still going again and again.

Second of all. HOT DAYUM SOY MILK IS MAKING ME FAT :(( Sure it has health benefits, sure, but it doesn't do good with weight loss, pssh.

Next, I want to go through a detox diet. I'll be frank. And if you don't like TMI (too much info) stuff, then skip this entry. Go on. Click the red X.

Here's another chance.

And another.

Still with me?

You sure?

You can walk away.

Okay if you're here still then here's the thing. I've mentioned that I have problems with digestion, right? Weeeeell, thing is, I don't really have awesome bowel movements. I don't have them enough. Normally one would have it daily but me? Nope, not really. That's prolly one of the reasons I'm this way =\ And it's not good.

That being said, I think I srsly need a detox diet.

The problem?

I don't know much about them yet. Right now I can't do much research but I prolly will after my exam and get back to you guys on Wednesday :)

What's important for me to do now?

  • Know what to eat
  • Know how much to eat
  • Know what I could/couldn't do (like exert to much effort since I'd be on low cal stuff/whatever or maybe I have to be near the bathroom a lot)
  • Know what's SAFE
  • Know what would work for me and my digestion for the LONG TERM.
So there's that. If you know anything about detox diets or can help me in any way, please leave a comment below! Same goes with anything you'd like to see us talk about here or whatever you'd feel like sayin' :)

For now I have to go attend to my scholarly duties (hah :p).

'Til the next stop,


Let's eat healthy food!

Hi everyone! Em here on a Thursday night. ;)

Yes. This was supposed to be an entry for yesterday but I was really tired and senseless so I talked to Mara if I could skip and instead do the entry today.

Yay! I'm here now and ready to talk about EATING the RIGHT food.

I do my own research and I even watch Dr. Oz and The Doctors about their tips on people on a diet and how to be healthy. Yesterday, I did my grocery shopping and I kept in mind of the food that are tempting but not healthy. What are those?

Dr. Oz’s List of 5 Foods to Keep Out of Your Grocery Cart:

1. Simple Sugars and Carbs (like Ice Cream)

Simple sugars and simple carbohydrates cause blood sugar imbalances. You have a burst of initial energy, but this energy high lapses very quickly and you be even more tired. Plus, who wants to wear this on our hips… like Gillian said, we don’t want to look like watermelons, we want to look like pears! So skip the junk food, pastries, pies, cookies and cakes!

2. Meats High in Nitrates & Saturated Fats (like Salami, Bacon, & Sausage)

Processed meats have added nitrates, which is a food additive that is linked to stomach cancer and degenerative diseases. Plus it will add fat to you and your whole family! So try to eat chicken and turkey instead. The gentleman on the show said that he even lost 100 pounds by not eating these types of foods for a year!

3. Ingredients You Can’t Pronounce (like Cheese Puffs)

Have you ever looked at the ingredient list on a food item you are about to buy? Quite often the list of ingredients will have all types of things you can’t pronounce or have never heard of. If you need a chemistry course to read the ingredients, there is a problem! Besides, Gillian says these cause gas and burping.

4. Fake Healthy Foods (like Low Fat Cookies)

Fake healthy foods are what companies use to trick us! The food company’s marketing department knows the trigger words that make us think something is good for us like “low fat,” but did you know that when they say “low fat” they usually make up for it by adding tons of sugar. You won’t feel satisfied when you eat these foods and you will still have constant hunger.

5. Canned Foods High in Sodium (like Canned Soups)

Canned foods that are high in sodium are bad for your arteries and blood pressure, and generally they wreak havoc on your body. Dr. Oz said that most people shouldn’t have over 2300 mg of sodium, and if you are African American or elderly then you should have even less. If Americans can cut out 1200 mg of salt per day, we could save 100,000 lives from strokes and heart attacks.

[source: Dr. Oz’s List of 5 Foods to Keep Out of Your Grocery Cart]

And what did I buy from the grocery store?

Most of it are organics. They are expensive but if I want to eat right I need to sacrifice other things right?Like weekly shopping of cosmetics, shoes and or clothes. I don't need to buy clothes almost every week coz when I lose weight, most of my dresses and other clothing will fit me. I am proud of my food choices now (except for the noodles *ooppss*), I am becoming more concerned and conscious to read the labels and to actually take care of my body inside out. We've only got one, we better take care of it before we regret it.

No more fat Em in 2011, just a fit and healthy one.

What was in your shopping cart? Healthy? No? Well, the next time you go shopping, take into consideration of the 5 foods that you should keep out of your grocery cart.

How's the September challenge going for you guys?

Mine? I fell off the wagon. :( This is really tough, and it's not good if I continue in defeating my goal. I should discipline myself more.

I can still do the September challenge!

Go Em!



Image Credit to Google Images

[Buh. As I write this entry it's Sunday night. The long weekend it's coming to a close, thank goodness]

I hate long weekends, special occasions, holidays, etc.

It's all nice with everyone happy, yeah, but it's not exactly diet-conducive =\

What's harder?

Living under the shadow of convenience.

While I was at my mum's we had pizza hut food for brunch, food from the food court for dinner. The next day, pizza again, burger and fries for lunch, leftover pizza and pasta for dinner. Breakfast for Sunday? Freaking Jollibee (Jolly hotdog =\) and then we had Italliani's for lunch (Sicilian Chicken Salad + Chicken Parmigiana, yay, at least that's semi-healthy, right?)

Update on September challenge? Well... I sort of had a hiccup with the plan =\ You know when they sing at restaurants for birthdays? Yeah... since my bro's having his soon, there was ice cream and without thinking I plunged into the sweet frigid goodness without thought. It was only after the whole ordeal that I realized what I have done.

Damn I made that sound so dramatic :))

BUT I will continue with the challenge. Just wanted to be honest.

Honestly I feel fat. Though my clothes beg to differ, I am not getting on any damned scale until next week.

What do I have planned?

I'm sick of fast food. I really am. I am sick of convenience eating. After the September challenge I wanna try a MONTH without FASTFOOD. Which would be pretty big since every Sunday, it's pretty much always a fastfood breakfast and it's fun at times but not really a whole majority of the time.


What do I need to do about it?

I'm trying to establish a routine.

First, I'll try to always have some sort of veggie in my meals, or at least one of my meals per day. I'm not a big veggie fan but I'll try. So far I thought of having tuna spinach omelette every day.

Next, I have a BIG problem with digestion. I swear, it's one of the big reasons why I'm this =\ so on a whim I will also try to:
  • drink a glass of soy milk at least once a day
  • drink at least two cups of tea a day
Right now my problem is snacks. I'll figure things out as I go. Another problem I have is that I'll have at least one exam per week starting this week =\

Sooooo, wish me luck :)

'Til the next stop,

[PS I'm sick =\ Got a cold buh :((. Pray for me and my exams, 'kayyy? :p]


Hello everyone! This is Em on a Friday night. ;)

How are you guys doing today?How was school and/or work all week? School started for me and it's ok -- so far. Well, you guys know how school could get pretty stressful from all the deadlines to beat and exams right? Yes. So far, I am not tempted yet to shave my head bald from the stress and pressure around me. haha And as for my part time job? I restricted myself on my availability, it sucks about not getting that much hours as I used to, but school is way more important right?


That's that and let's move forward to my exciting news for everyone. I have TWO EXCITING NEWS! Are you guys ready?

hmm, remember the SEPTEMBER CHALLENGE? Where in the whole month of September I will try to completely eliminate my bad sugar and too much sodium intake? I posted that entry Monday night and it's been 4 days since then and 5 days since I last weighed in and to be honest, the challenge is pretty tough. I still get tempted to run to the convenience store and grab a chocolate bar, but I'm not gonna do that, I am taking the challenge and I am gonna be healthy! The exciting news you might be wondering? I weighed myself today and I LOST 2lbs! I am really happy that even despite of the lack of exercise and sweating for the past 2 weeks, I still lost 4lbs in total.

That is the first good news, and the second exciting or more like interesting news I have for everyone is this blogger.

Meet Steph everyone a.k.a Traveliztera in the blogworld. Yes. Steph is our featured blogger for the week. Why do we have this "featured blogger" of the week/month? It just hit me one day that there are people out there from different race, background, ethnicity, size and gender that could make a difference in their own little way. I wouldn't have met Steph if I myself wasn't inspired enough to be a better person.

Yes. I did "interview" Steph thru email, I sent her questions and she emailed me back (thank you! :D). If you didn't click her link and didn't check out her profile, Steph used to struggle with her weight as well and now I want to share to you guys her success story.

  • Please introduce yourself
- I'm Steph a.k.a. Traveliztera in the blogworld and I've been struggling with my weight for 11 years. I'm 21 years old right now, so yes, it all started when I was only 10 years old. Actually, there had been times wherein I was really thin then suddenly I'm overweight again and then I'm thin again... The cycle went on.I was really thin when I was a kid. I guess the fastfood mode really made me bigger when I reached the 4th grade. Of course, my parents tried to control me but in the end, it's still up to me, right? Well, I loved eating. I loved buffets. I was basically overweight during my highschool days and then I slimmed down again before college. Then suddenly, I gained weight again throughout my college years and I finally reached the heaviest weight I never thought I'd reach--150lbs. I've been doing a lot of weightloss stuff throughout my college years and I DID LOSE a lot but look what happened: I graduated heavier than before I even entered college. Here is where the ultimate cliche/lesson comes in: NOTHING BEATS PROPER DIET AND EXERCISE. Yes, I did all those fad diets back then. I even drank fatloss supplements. I loved making the excuse of "I'm too busy to even workout so I'll just starve myself!" Sure, you get to lose a lot of weight at first, but everything will come back and get you after some time and trust me--it's worse.
  • What/who motivated you to lose weight?
- The fact that I wanted to prove to all the people who do not believe in the long-term power of proper diet and exercise that they are wrong. I was also dared by my friends that if I didn't lose weight in 3 months, I'd have to post a bikini pic--which I obviously didn't want to do. I took the dare. Hey, at least you have an additional motivation! Haha! Also, the reason why I started http://traveliztera.blogspot.com was because I wanted to track my weightloss process. With a lot of people watching my weightloss actions, the motivation was definitely intense.
  • How did your first few weeks of dieting go?
- It was great! I guess my motivation was so strong. I was really determined and I learned to make a low-calorie version of each of my fave meals. I definitely enjoyed because I didn't deprive myself. You just gotta make dieting fun!
  • What are your struggles in your "I wanna be fit and healthy" path?
-Weight plateau days are definitely "Garrrrr!", but instead of hating, I learned to love my body more. Of course, it's definitely annoying when your efforts had been really all-out but your scale still shows the same numbers, but you have to stop and think that your body is telling you something. In this process, you really have to stay positive. It's either you're overworking and your body needs rest, or you have to change your routines. It is during these times wherein you learn to unite with your body more because getting mad at yourself would just discourage you.
  • Have you reached your weight goal yet? If yes, what are your plans/goals on how to keep that weight?
- I have gone beyond my weight goal and that was a huge surprise for me. I originally wanted to go down from 150 lbs to 115 lbs. but surprise! I currently weigh 103 lbs. To keep this weight, I shall continue what I have learned from the whole process. The thing is, when you get yourself into the proper way of losing weight, you get to adjust to the healthy ways and that is something long-term, unlike when you go for the fast weightloss ways.When you go for the easy way of losing weight, you learn nothing. You're dependent on something and what happens once the thing you're depending on is gone? When you're undergoing the healthy way of losing weight, you're totally in control and you get to do that forever. I still eat the things I want but I am still aware of their calorie count. Even though I don't count, it's as if my body has been trained to stop whenever I reach a certain amount of calories (for me, my calorie limit is 1200 calories) and that's the beauty of following a healthy weightloss process. I have a cheat day once a week and I work out 3-5x a week for 20 minutes.
  • Did you enroll yourself to a exercise program?(gym, dancing, martial arts etc etc).
- During the first 3 months of my weightloss, I had a gym trainer who designed a program for me while I took care of my diet at home. After 3 months, I was on my own. I made my own workouts based on the stuff I saw in fitness books and magazines (like Women's Health). I also used The 30-Day Shred by Jillian Michaels in the last month of my weightloss process.
  • Lastly, what's your message to us who are struggling in losing weight and how to keep us motivated.
1. Don't starve or deprive yourself.

You will definitely feel unmotivated. First of all, when you starve yourself, your metabolism slows down. Your body thinks you're not getting enough energy for it to work so it wants to save up by storing fat. Your body stores whatever you give it so you gain more weight. When you gain weight, you get more discouraged.

When you deprive yourself, you tend to overeat once you're exposed to your ultimate weakness. Have a cheat day or eat a small amount of your favorite "sinful" treats during your diet days. Trust me, a small bite is enough to satisfy those cravings.

2. Don't hate your body.

Love your body! You have to learn to listen to your body's needs. When you're friends with your body, you get to know more what it really needs. Plus, you feel happier and you get to be motivated more because you want your body to stay great.

3. Don't say you're too busy. A 10-minute workout can make a difference. ;)

4. Never go for short-term weightloss ways. You lose weight in a short time but you also get to gain it all back (plus some new pounds) in a short while as well!
5. You can definitely lose weight. Set goals in your mind. Never underestimate your mind because once you start setting goals, your mind works to give you determination.


Thank you everyone for the time in reading this entry. I learned something new from Steph and I hope you guys also did.

Let's all be healthy!

Happy Dieting!



Picking Out a Skincare Regimen

Heya Guys, Mara here.

Before anything, I just want to say that I am taking part of the September challenge! If you haven't seen it yet, you can check it out, hurr.

Anyway, I'm playing it up my way as well.
  • Starting tomorrow, September 9, 2010 until October 9, 2010, I will eliminate sweets (pastries, candy, etc.) EXCEPT for dark chocolate. Justification? Good antioxidant, and if I don't have that at least, I'll feel deprived, I'd binge and fail.
  • If I could avoid dark chocolate, I'd go for fruits or yogurt :D
  • Sodium issue? I will stay off of chips (goodbye Cheetos =\) and quick cook pancit canton, to see how effective that move would be :p
That's it for now, hope it'll prove effective.

Now onto my main agenda.

Over a week ago, I've finally changed up my skincare regimen. Why? I wanted to try new things and really target my problem areas. And you know what? I'm quite pleased with it so far. So I thought it'd be nice to share some tips for those starting out, or to debunk "myths" and misconceptions, and whatnot.
  1. Know what you need - in my case, I'm pretty much okay with skin. My problem? Under eye, specifically fine lines. Cause? I've been a little rough with my skin there and now I'm paying for my wrongdoings :p
  2. Know how much is reasonable to shell out - I'm a student. I don't have a steady job, I cannot, and I repeat I CANNOT afford to buy top brand skincare products. I can try to get quality products for a good price, but other than that, nope, sorry.
  3. Get your money's worth and use it where you need it - let's face it, skincare doesn't really come cheap if you want results. It's an investment and I think it's better to not need makeup, you know? But you're in luck because you don't have to spend a ton on each product. With me, I chose a decent facial wash, nothing too expensive, chose a cream that could be used for AM and PM (so I don't have to buy a separate one for morning and night) and I sort of "splurged" on the eye cream, if it's even really splurging at all.
Here's what I have based on the three things above [taken from my blog]:

My take? Though my skincare regimen is priced at 2,122.85php I believe it's still pretty reasonable for what you get. I've been into a week at it so far and I must say, I've been liking it a little more than I did with what I was doing before. Your skin is worth it. If it's cheap and it doesn't work, it's no good, you're wasting your money. That's what I've learned after many attempts to save a few bucks. So yes, there it is. I hope this helps :) Naturally, you want to get products catering to your skin type, and all that jazz, so we're set, right? RIGHT!

'Til the next stop,


Hello everyone! This is Em on a Monday night. ;)

I just got home from work and today is my turn with our baby for some updates so before I go to bed, I am inviting everyone to join the SEPTEMBER CHALLENGE!

What exactly is the SEPTEMBER CHALLENGE? I actually got the idea from one of Dr. Oz's episode where he challenged a lady to totally eliminate sweets for 28 days. The lady succeeded! She documented everything from day 1 up to day 28 where she had to be on the show to see Dr. Oz again for the 28 day challenge results. The lady did lost some weight (6 lbs.) and lost 4 inches off of her belly. After seeing the show, I was inspired and challenged to do the same, eliminate bad sugar and too much sodium!

Are you guys up to the challenge?Come on! Let's all try and start to be healthy! In 4 weeks we could lose up to 6 lbs and that is just from eliminating sugar and sodium alone! That's 6 lbs less than losing nothing right?With eating right and exercise, 6 lbs isn't the only amount of weight we'll lose in a month. Let's all be part of the challenge!

My goals in 4 weeks?

  • Chocolates, no matter how tempting they are, they'll be crossed out of my shopping list.
  • Be nutritional label obsess! Canned foods are very high in sodium so next time I go out and do my grocery, I'll make sure my canned items are low in sodium.
  • FROZEN FOODS NO NO! Frozen foods are the easiest way to satisfy hunger, just pop it in the microwave and it's ready in less than 5 minutes. Some people say frozen foods in general is not bad for you, it's the salt and preservatives we should watch out for. How about I totally ignore the freezer aisle?I don't wanna really spend an hour reading each labels when I could go to the meat department and buy meat or poultry and just cook it? Yeah, that's a better idea and it's healthier.
I will set myself on 3 goals for now, I want to take this challenge one step at a time. I want to make sure I am following the rules I imposed on myself.

I am gonna ask again, ARE YOU UP TO THE CHALLENGE? Let's see in a month if I succeeded or not. And if you guys have any suggestions or comments please please *puppy eyes* do let us know! We don't bite. ;) Mara and I are open to any ideas and suggestions so please do not hesitate to approach us.

Here are the different ways on how to contact us


you can also leave us some comments here on blogger or interact with us thru our chatbox which is on the right hand side of this page.

Like us on facebook, just search for Team EmMarah


we also have twitter accounts
Team EmMarah (http://twitter.com/TeamEmMarah)
Emmaleigh (http://twitter.com/IamEmmaleigh)
Mara (http://twitter.com/belikewhat)

There are a lot of ways to contact us and interact with us, please don't be intimidated! We are here to win it!

Happy dieting everyone!

I'll see all of you again on Friday with my update (my grocery shopping etc etc).


Finger Woes and Update

Hey guys. Sorry for the late entry. I've been really really busy with school and work. Need proof? Here's a picture.
Buh. Horrible. If you notice my eyes, yes, they're horrible. I slept at 5AM (YES AM) today and woke up at 10:30 feeling refreshed (because I prolly slept like a log and my body clock tells me I should be awake then). I was up trying to make my deadlines. And you know what? Work's been killing me. They pay's reasonable but alas, work is still work and though I thought that I could do it initially, it has taken much of my time, a little too much even. Today I've decided that I'll just finish the block I'm on, cancel the other one and make the most of my time before I have to take on my exams because from the week after next 'til just before October ends, I'd have an exam every week. I want to focus on my academics because in the end it'll get me to where I wanna be. My job now? It should only happen during real free time and my real free time's running out.


Can you guess what this is? Doesn't it look cool? Doesn't it?


Today I received my order from MdE for the Forever21 ring I've been wanting it's super cute and I know I should be buying rings and jewelry online BUT this is something I absolutely CANNOT pass up.

My concern? As you can see I am genetically gifted with pudgy hands. I hate it but it's there. I'm not sure how many people would read this and how many of that population would have the same woe as me but yes, I admit I don't have the best shaped hands.

So today (though I knew it was genetic) I googled what I could do for my fingers.

The only answer?

Lose weight, take less sodium and more water.

Sounds simple? Not really. I guess if I want better fingers I should really work on my weight more. It frustrates me that every bit of me seems freaking fat. My hands are strangely small (which makes fattening them up easier) and idk, guess genetics isn't really my best friend :p I'm jealous of all the people who can wear cocktail rings and just rings period without worrying about the size and stuff. I love my ring, I can still use it (thankfully) and you know what? Instead of making it depress me, it'll be a guiding thing for me. As long as it's on (and I'll keep it on) it'll be a constant reminder of the battle I'm fighting. Hopefully everything works out :)

Well, that's it.

What are your problem areas?

How's your life?

Any genetic woes?

'Til the next stop,


How's everyone?How's the diet going?Well, if you ask me, I was doing pretty good, NOT until I was away on vacation for a week.

Vacation is tough if you're on a diet.

  1. HASSLE - If you're traveling by land, your compartment is loaded with your suitcases already and jamming a cooler with your week long supply of food isn't possible. If you're traveling by plane, it sucks too because are you seriously gonna carry a cooler around?
  2. ROTTEN - your food gets moldy, especially produce, they turn brown-ish in colour even if it's still good to eat before the best date, you just won't have the appetite.
The vacation was enjoyable, involved a lot of walking and eating too! Anyways, vacation's over and the day after we got back, I can't even look at my weighing scale. I knew I gained some pounds back.

Since I've started my diet now a month ago, my weighing scale and I became friends. I manage to say hi and goodbye to it 3-4 times a week. Since after the vacation, I only get to say hi and goodbye to it twice and the first one, I didn't like what it said about my weight.

IT SAID I GAINED back the 10 POUNDS I lost.

I'm like shocked and speechless and was about to cry. There is no way I gained 10 pounds in a week. I was so down that I spent half an hour after I weighed myself in thinking what the heck did I eat when I was away to gain back the pounds I lost for the whole month of August in JUST A WEEK?

And this morning tho, I weighed in again and realized that I only gained 3 lbs, that's all. PMS was to blame for adding 7 pounds that almost got me depressed.


Seriously, good thing I felt a lil bit of cramps when I weighed myself 3 days after the vacation then I remember I'm gonna have my period and water retention is normal. Since then, I've cut down on salt intake and I am hydrating myself well. It's not really necessary for me to say this, but I'm gonna say it anways, I got my period yesterday and for about a week now I am trying to get back on my diet, hydrating myself well and cutting down on my sodium and it did helped a lot with my water retention dilemma. Now, I'm cleared that the extra 7 pounds was water weight.

My scale and I are friends again and I am gonna say hi to it again on Friday. If you're experiencing water retention too and it's most common in us women especially a week before our period, just remember to drink more water and cut back on your sodium intake. [read more about how to stop water retention here].

Image credits to google images

Are you friends with your weighing scale?

Happy dieting everyone!


Too Busy to Think of Weight Loss?

Image Credits: Google Images

(BUH SORRY FOR THE LATE POST. I was working =\ Have to make moolahz, ya know?)

May I just say that I am happy to report that I reached my goal weight for the month! *Bows, bows*


Am I totally satisfied? Not really. I didn't think I'd make it, to be honest and I blame it partly for timing and lack of discipline. As you know I'm only starting to get back on the whole healthy lifestyle and when you're so damn busy, everything could just go out the window because of either work, academics or something else. I actually reached 142 sometime along the week. I got off the scale, rubbed my eyes and got on again but it was true. Sadly, my weight has been fluctuating like crazy!

Things I'm not proud of but I'll admit because we're all human here:

  • I haven't been exercising for over a week as I'd stay up to meet deadlines for both uni work and work work.
  • I didn't always abide by the 1/2 cup rice rule. Blame my grandma's cooking. I never EVER go beyond 1 cup though.
  • I've been eating fast food at the times there wasn't any home cooked meals due to lack of choice =\
Forgivable points?
  • You DON'T have to kill yourself over exercise. If you don't feel guilty about it because you were truly too busy, then that's all there is to it. Just make sure you don't slack ALL the time. Today I've started exercising again and I'm thinking of doing it every morning but I wouldn't be able to do the bouncing anymore =\ I amped it up to 20 of each rather than 15 and I almost gave up with the pushups! I just pushed myself to get through with 16-20 even though I felt like weak sauce and couldn't breathe as easy :)) So out of shape =\ That'll change!
  • Though I eat junk and everything I try to make sure that I don't eat too much. E.g. I eat a little for a certain mealtime because I ate too much the mealtime before, etc.
So what did we pick up from this?
  • Skipping exercise isn't a sin. It's not entirely great but hey, sometimes we are just so busy. Make time for it though! I know it could be hard to stick to but hey, the endorphins (happy hormones, body's natural pain relievers) are great, believe me :)
  • If you're not exercising, curb your eating a little. Try to make up for it by choosing wiser with the things you're eating.
I don't know what my weight would be now if I did things differently but I don't think I'd be in one piece right now if I was so strict because of all the stress with all the crap to do already.

On an old post (*click*) I said that my goal for September was 139, 5lbs. I'm a little nervous for it because 140 was my plateau for weight loss with my run before. It really demoralized me when I couldn't lose weight anymore though I was quite strict with how I ate before (hence the giving up). Oh well. No pain, no gain! Let's do this!

'Til the next stop,


Just in case you missed it, here's LET'S TALK ABOUT part one.

And as promised, I'll be giving you guys the last 6 foods on the best fruit, best veggie and best protein that will make our skin pretty. ;)

credits: Karyn Repinski, Prevention magazine, April 2010 issue with Vanessa Williams on the cover.


Image credits to google images

WHY YOU'LL GLOW - Fine wrinkles and skin firmness improved after women in their late 30s and early 40s ate foods like tempeh (tempeh is an Indonesian food that is made of fermented soybeans) that contain the soy isoflavone known as aglycone, found one study. Volunteers consumed an amount of aglycone comparable to 3 ounces of tempeh a day for 12 weeks.

HEALTH BONUS - Adding soy to your diet may reduce your risk of developing endometrial and ovarian cancers and diabetes and prevent a recurrence if breast cancer, finds new research. The best sources: whole foods. Try substituting edamame for any vegetable and tempeh or tofu for meat and poultry in stir-fries and soups.

runner up EGGS

Image credits to google images

WHY YOU'LL GLOW - Lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants found in eggs, more than quadrupled protection against the UV damage that leads to lines, brown spots, and cancer in one study on women. Skin was also markedly softer, firmer and better hydrated.

HEALTH BONUS - Eating just one egg a day significantly increases blood levels of lutein and zeaxanthin (but not cholesterol), which may stave off macular degeneration by protecting the retina from light damage, finds a study in the Journal of Nutrition.


Image credits to google images

WHY YOU'LL GLOW - "Eating a handful of almonds every day boosts levels of vitamin E, one of the most important antioxidants for skin health," says Baumann. You'll get a surge in moisture too - a boon for those prone to dryness.

HEALTH BONUS - Though nuts are high in calories, women who ate them at least twice a week were less likely to gain weight than those who rarely did, in a new study of over 50,000 women.

runner up WALNUTS

Image credits to google images

WHY YOU'LL GLOW - These nuts are storehouses of alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fat that's a key component of the lubricating layer that keeps skin moist and supple. A 1/2 ounce serving of walnuts provides 100% of the recommended daily intake of ALA (alpha-lipoic acid).

HEALTH BONUS - Eating walnuts at dinner may deliver better shut-eye. Researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center discovered that walnuts contain melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep.


Image credits to google images

WHY YOU'LL GLOW - Women in one study positively glowed after drinking 1/2 cup, thanks to significant increase in circulation that lasted 2 hours. But a daily cocoa habit may rejuvenate your complexion even more. Women who drank 1/2 cup of cocoa high in flavonoids (as is dark chocolate) every day for 12 weeks in another study had significantly softer, smoother, and better hydrated skin. Try Nestle Hot Cocoa Dark Chocolate.

HEALTH BONUS - An 8-ounce cup of cocoa improved blood flow to the brain for 2 hours in British research. Besides better functioning on complex tasks, participants showed more brain activity in MRI scans - an indication of enhanced brain function that may reduce risk of dementia.


Image credits to google images

WHY YOU'LL GLOW - This healthy fat contains essential fatty acids that help skin resist UV damage, finds a Lancet Oncology study. EFAs are also part of the cell membranes that help hold in moisture. The body can't synthesize EFAs, so consume about 1 tablespoon of olive oil daily to keep skin supple.

HEALTH BONUS - Recent research suggests that hydroxytyrosol, a component in olive oil, lowers cholesterol and helps prevent obesity and diabetes by revving the energy centers in your cells. Using it at meals also warded off the next round of hunger pains in one study, so you're less likely to snack.

There you go friends, our TOP TEN FOODS FOR PRETTY SKIN.

Hope you learned something and let's all have an enjoyable and healthy diet!

See you around,

Impulse Buying

Mara checking in. Hello, Thursday.

Why, why, why is it that when you see something you think is brill, you jump on it and think it'd match your expectations?

Why do you feel like you have to have something sometimes?

You know what I'm saying right? It's like your instincts turn you into an animal stalking its prey, unable to control the bloodlust anymore. You just want to strike!

It's crazy.

It's okay if you don't have a lot on cash on you, like not enough to buy anything extra but enough to last you the day. But there are just those times when you seem to be carry a little bit more than you should.

Just last Friday I had an impulse buy moment.

Bought a fauxnad set and it wasn't exactly cheap =\ (350php) the sad reality? Stamping nail art and all that? Not as easy as people make it seem! So I was quite disappointed with my buy (considering the price) and won't be trying using it anytime soon, prolly not until I have loads of time on me and pick up the right technique. I was actually disappointed with myself, too. I should've been saving, and I am but meh. Sad time =\

After that I went to Essences with Jem (who I spent the afterschool time with) and found something else I wanted but ended up not having enough moolah! SAD. (Still going back to buy it though XD) Instantly the spell was gone and I was like. Wth... Shouldn't have done that =\ But what's done was done. (Luckily, I'm over the OPI lemming... for now)

So right now, I am putting down tips to avoid impulse buying for your sake and mine.
  1. As much as possible, keep the money you bring to a minimum. Don't calculate a complete exact amount (you know you could run into unexpected expenses) leave a little extra but make sure the amount's not significantly large to let you buy anything big that you could regret later
  2. If you can't help to bring quite a bit extra think about whether or not you really really REALLY need it. You and I both know that the answer would usually be no =\
  3. Put off buying to another day. I checked out how many of the thing I wanted was in stock and told myself that I can buy it on Monday because OPI's not big for everyone here in the Philippines. I mean the set I want has been from the holiday season of last year I think. Get home and think long and hard. Look for similar things, etc. Assess the price, whatever! You may find that you don't really want it as much as you thought.
  4. Doing groceries? Like Emmaleigh said, have a list and stick to it.
And just for fun...

Acceptable reasons to impulse buy:
  • It's on sale and you know if you don't get it, you'll hate it forever
  • It's reasonable and you know it'll be worth it
  • If it's not a big investment/not worth a lot of money = a big loss, then you could take a chance
  • If it's a "I've got diarrhea, need toilet paper" situation or something like that :p
Haha. Hope you had fun with this!

'Til the next stop,
Mara :)

A Dark Day

Yesterday was an exceptionally dark day for the Filipino nation.

I felt like my country crumbled before me in dishonor.

I blogged twice, first during and the second after the whole fiasco and here are the links:

That's not really to plug anything but I don't want to get repetitive with what I produce.

Right now, I'm on the news, as I've been since who knows what time yesterday.

I just heard Ted Failon read off a text that

"The job of the media is to report. The job of the police was to keep people away. The media succeeded, the police failed."

I'm not really sure where to start, to be honest. I don't know anyone involved, I don't know who the hell Rolando Mendoza was (until last night and how he wanted to be re-instated), I was just part of the worldwide audience and I'm devastated. I'm devastated for the people involved, devastated for their families, devastated for the shame and dishonor brought to my country, devastated over how everything was handled.

Originally I had a post ready for today, pre-written and all. But I decided to move it to Thursday because there are important things that must be said.

First, with Mendoza.

He was a highly-decorated police officer, nothing but good things on the news, had ten awards, all that. Just a short time before he'd be able to retire he was dismissed for some extortion case or something. He lost his job, stripped of his benefits and wasn't allowed to work at any government office.

I have two things to say about that.

One, what kind of life did you expect him to lead? Might as well just throw his ass to jail. You stripped meaning out of his life and it came through. He went crazy, for the lack of a better term.

Two, who the hell cleared him to be okay and not have psychopath tendencies and all that? Who had the freaking idea of (and we're speculating here) having a fail sort of debriefing or something. Seriously, people don't take unemployment easily and when it's a person who knows how to use sh*t like guns and all those weapons, watch out. He freaking slashed a person at the neck! Imagine how that person slowly died as blood poured out his/her wound. How crazy was that?

Next, the whole media and police thing. Honestly, I don't know who to bash first, the media or the police.

Let's start with the media.

I feel sad and I can't believe that no one had the idea of "let's back off, we might cause all sorts of trouble." Knowledge is power. Mendoza had all the info he needed with the FULL radio and TV coverage.

The media is playing it clean saying that if only there was better control, if the officers just did better to instruct them and everything, they'd have backed off.

Seriously, am I the only one with a "wtf" face at that statement?

Seriously, there's a freaking hostage situation and those cops are already just -- I don't even know what they were doing -- and you expect them to have the freaking time to tell you to back off? Who the HELL thought it was a good idea to SHOW Mendoza's brother being taken to the precinct for questioning? Who the HELL thought it was a good idea to GIVE Mendoza every freaking angle? EVERY FREAKING ANGLE, MAN. The media served the freaking hostage taker and they're trying to say it wasn't their fault, need better control... Those idiots (I'm sorry but really they were) don't even know sh*t about buses.

Honestly? There was still SOME sense in Mendoza through the da
y. H
e was letting children go, letting the elderly go, all that! It was all fine and dandy until the whole issue with his brother. He was outraged, he wanted to be taken, not his brother. The survivors said the feel of the bus changed once Mendoza saw tha
t. It was the last straw.

Imagine how things would've have been different if the media didn't feed the enemy.

I'm just sayin'. Take that for what it's worth.

BUT OF COURSE, the police isn't off the hook.

I know that hostage situations aren't easy. They take lots of nerve and coming up with the best judgement in so little time with so much pressure is a big, big burden.

But I want to ask this.

Where's the training? I know that you can't be trained enough to know the best answer for every situation because it could go any way.

What I'm saying is, I expected good decisions, not the best. I expected better compared to what I saw.

Our police force doesn't have chains, doesn't have anything to bring a door down but a sledgehammer. Heck, they said they had training BUT looks like they don't know squat about buses because it took the public's information for them to know about the emergency door.

PNP budget? They have money to go to a convention in R
ussia but they don't have sh*t to open a bus? Are you freaking kidding me? SRSLY?

And who was the freaking MORON who knew they being watched and decided to take the freaking hostage taker's BROTHER? Who ordered that sh*t? Couldn't it have WAITED? Honestly, patience is a virtue. Where'd you get that idea? Keep him on site, he's not going anywhere, just don't do squat that'd make the hostage taker go crazy, damn it.

All the bad decisions, the faulty equipment, the calls that were made too late. I couldn't believe it.

Here's a picture that my friend found and posted on facebook that does an excellent job of bashing.

Training. Pssh.

Last is about our President -- Noynoy.

Used to be part of the oppostion, today Ted Failon pointed out a terrific point.

Being part of the opposition, it was easy to criticize every bit of failure by the administration.

Today they (him and his posse?) have to come into terms with the fact that they are the administration and they are the ones to take the hit in the balls.

How would you handle this now?

Gonna use Cory Magic?

What have we gotten out of this?

8 dead. Count them. EIGHT.

People injured, families destroyed, lives changed.

Here's what HK has to say for it

And I'm sure we've pretty much duds in the international community.

I've said other things I've felt in my other two posts so there's that (don't want to be repetitive).

My question now is
  1. What's our president doing? What'll he say?
  2. How woud we, as a nation, rise from this?
  3. Would our police force improve? There's been a lot of crap going on with police brutality and whatnot, now police hostage taking. What's with them?
Right now I'm really demoralized as a Filipino. Just yesterday my friend texted me saying he hated the Philippines and wanted out. We're all concerned with safety here now. We need to get our sh*t together.

Tips? Anything?

Right now I want to look for signs of hope. As you can see it has been all to easy to be negative, depressed and everything. It's a whole "OMG WE'RE DOOMED" situation.

I pray for those involved, especially those who died thinking they would have a wonderful adventure today, as well as their families.

What do you think about everything?

What do you think went wrong?

Any tips for the government/police/media/etc?

I wanna know what you think.

I think we're all united in how we see this. I hope we could make something good out of this like start a unified way of improving in life.

But this is it for now.

'Til the next stop,

Operation Starvation?

For some reason our society has gone way too far.

I don't know what happened but it appears that the smaller your dress size is, the more accepting everyone would be around you. People would be jealous, blah, blah, blah.


But is skinny = healthy?

No. Not at all.

Someone could be in a bigger dress size but healthier than some random starving soul.

I have nothing against any shape, form or size AS LONG AS YOU'RE HEALTHY.

Here's why you SHOULDN'T starve yourself
  • Your body would go in starvation mode. All that weight you wanna lose? Your body's going to try to cling to that desperately. Come on, it's our body's defense system. It would try to keep you going and going and going until such time you pop another meal in.
  • Deprivation would wreak havoc on your body. You wouldn't be getting enough vitamins and minerals and believe me, it'll affect everything -- hair, skin, health in general! Need proof? I read in a magazine that this chick only ate sky flakes (crackers) for a year. What happened? Wicked hair fall, nails turning blue was it? I forget. But all sorts of wrong happened. She got scared and consulted a doctor (about freaking time). Emmaleigh and I actually talked about starvation briefly before and she said she's break out when she'd starve herself. So yeah. This is a no no no no no no no!
  • Deprivation would wreak havoc on your mood. I don't think I have to explain this a lot. I mean, this would make you cranky and all! Besides, the havoc on your body thing? You can be deprived of necessary stuff to generate happy elements like endorphins and whatnot.
  • Ultimately, if you starve yourself, you die.
So there's that. Just a short blog. It's never good to starve yourself. A good idea? Consult your doctor when planning to go on a diet or anything. Know what and what isn't healthy. Try looking at the BMI chart. Whatever you choose, make sure you're not endangering yourself. Safety first, always.

Guess that's it. Sorry if this is sort of just all over the place. Been a hectic week and I want to really try to do my posts on time. Now it's the weekend, I can REST!

If you're out there and we ever have a contest on this blog sometime soon (which we most prolly will) what would you guys want as prizes? What kinds of contests would you think would be fun? Can't wait to hear from you!

'Til the next stop,


LET'S TALK ABOUT VEGGIES AND FRUITS! I know some people go "ewww" upon hearing the words veggies and fruits. I know, it's not really mouthwatering as a BigMac meal. Hey, we have a purpose so every time you think about fastfood, don't get hungry, don't crave for it, think about the grease, imagine yourself chugging down a small bottle of cooking oil and maybe you'll lose the appetite for unhealthy foods.

I will share to you guys today the 10 FOODS THAT DON'T JUST REJUVENATE YOUR SKIN, THEY ALSO DELIVER IMPORTANT HEALTH BENEFITS TO BOOT by Karyn Repinski. So it's really important for you to stay around and finish this entry. ;)

The article I'm about to type in here are from Prevention magazine, April 2010 issue with Vanessa Williams on the cover

We want to share what we've learned and we want you guys to also interact with both Mara and I. We are encouraging you dear friends to tell us your success story, let's inspire each other. ;)

You're probably itching now to know what those 10 foods right?so here we go.


Image credits to google images

WHY YOU'LL GLOW - Six leaves provide more than 100% of your DV (Daily Value) of vitamin A, which revitalizes skin by increasing cell turnover. The mineral potassium in romaine "gives skin a refreshing boost of nutrients and oxygen by improving circulation," says Lisa Drayer, RD, author of The Beauty Diet.

HEALTH BONUS - That same serving of romaine contains 45% of the DV of vitamin K which a recent study shows activates a protein that supports vascular health - making a future with bulging leg veins less likely.

runner up TOMATOES

Image credits to google images

WHY YOU'LL GLOW - Eating red helps keep skin from turning red. Volunteers who consumed 5 tablespoons of high-in-lycopene tomato paste daily for 3 months had nearly 25% more protection against sunburn in one study. Even better, skin had more collagen, which prevents sagging. Another reason to toss an extra tomato into your salad: German scientists report that higher skin levels of this antioxidant correlate to fewer lines and furrows.

HEALTH BONUS - Research suggests that lycopene may also lower your chances of heart disease: In one study, women with the highest levels of it had a 34% reduced risk.


Image credits to google images

WHY YOU'LL GLOW - A cup has uo to 130% of the DV of vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that boosts production of collagen fibers that help skin smooth and firm. More C may mean fewer lines too: Women with lower intakes were likelier to have dry, wrinkled skin. Early research also shows that ellagic acid, an antioxidant abundant in strawberries, protects the elastic fibers that keep skin from sagging. Sweet!

HEALTH BONUS - Strawberries may lower your risk of cancer by inhibiting the development of malignant cancer cells. In one study, people eating the most strawberries were 3 times less likely to develop the disease.

*quick fact, I, Em, love to eat strawberries! ;) it is in fact my favourite fruit.*

runner up APPLES

Image credits to google images

WHY YOU'LL GLOW - Quercetin, an antioxidant in the peel of many varieties provides hefty protection from the "burning" UVB rays that trigger skin cancer. A few offering the biggest dose: Monroe, Cortland, and Golden delicious. The next time you plan too spend time in the sun, pick one of them to start your day (of course, you still need to wear sunscreen).

HEALTH BONUS - Eating two or more apples a week for 1 year reduced the risk of dying from heart disease by 15% in one study of 34,000 healthy post-menopausal women. Whatever variety you choose, be sure to eat the peel, the source of nearly all the antioxidants.

I'm gonna stop here for now. I'll post the next six in a couple days. ;) I hope so far we've learned something.

Again, these are NOT my own research, they are from the April 2010 issue of Prevention magazine with Vanessa Williams on the cover.

Until the next 6 foods. ;)

Happy dieting everyone!

See ya around,

Lessons in Time Management

It's Wednesday and I almost forgot that I had to post!

Keyword: Almost.


Right now I'm caught up with four things.
  1. Work
  2. Studies
  3. Online responsibilities
  4. Personal hoohahs (What's a hoohah? I have no idea, but let's just say that that's everything else that comes into my life)
This week I had to be reminded of a very important lesson.

Time management.

Things in my way:
  • emotions
Credits: Google Images

Yeaaaah that's about it. I sort of get to a dead end when I get to a mood/motivation/emotional slump. Plus I overextended myself.

  1. I took a job to write 50 articles by Thursday last Sunday.
  2. I have an exam on Thursday
  3. I didn't know my mood wouldn't be so hot
  4. I didn't know my body wouldn't be so cooperative.
The problem is, I shouldn't have taken the job. But then again, I need the money. Sooo...

I had to tackle the problem.

I asked for an extension from Thursday to Sunday. Thankfully, my "boss" said yes BUT I have to send the 20 by today. So I'm finishing that before I get to study.

Another problem? I don't feel so motivated to study and I don't even know why. Prolly because I'm fretting over my "job."

Then for number 3? Yeah. Personal hoohah :p

4? I'm sick. I have the sniffles. I think I'm allergic to sudden changes in temperature o_O

So what now?

I bring forth to you the lessons to remember
  1. Know your priorities. Which is more important to do? In this case it was my studies. I asked if I could have an extension, and if not, what would my options be? They told me 30 now 20 later initially but I said I really needed to study and they/he/the boss kindly said yes to my 20 now 30 later offer.
  2. Don't set a ridiculous time frame. Don't assume you'd be done in just a certain amount of time, that you can cover ____ in ____ hours. No. You don't know if you'd get sick, depressed, anything. You just don't know. As awesome as it is to surf the net or go out, have fun. It's much wiser to get things done at a good time before they have to be done.
  3. Know something's coming up? Counteract the effects. Last week I was like "okay, I have an exam, must do predone entries for the blog. And so I did... one :)) I've done pre-written/scheduled posts before and it really has been a life saver.
  4. DONT DONT DONT OVEREXTEND YOURSELF. A guy/gal/panda could only do so much. If you go, "meh... I can still do that.. yeah I can take this too.." you'd end up half-a$$ing everything, stressing yourself out or even worse, setting yourself up to fail.
Today I've re-learned an important lesson and I have to stick with it. Let's hope things like this don't happen again too often.

Hope ya'll are doing good.

'Til the next stop,


Image credits to google images

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like you're caught in the middle?And no matter what decision you make you'll feel guilty about doing or not doing it?

Let me, Emmaleigh discuss guilt and how I am trying not to feel guilty about eating everyday.

It's funny that the common notion for on a diet is starving yourself. I've seen people deprive themselves from eating and being afraid of defeating their purposes, so seeing them starve themselves until they can squeeze their butts in a 00 pair of jeans make me wanna binge on something from McDonald's. How come?for me the decision to starve yourself is as bad as pigging out on one of the greasiest food ever made. Why the heck would I wanna deny myself from the exquisite taste of the double cheeseburger that's just about to hit my taste buds?

ERASE of that diet being synonymous with starvation. Let's keep it healthy and guilt free!

BEFORE I give my points out, I just want to remind EVERYONE that everything we said here are based on what we do, we are NOT forcing anyone to do the diets or pointers we've learned along the way. It is still and always the best to talk to your doctor FIRST about you changing your diet. The whole point of this blog is to encourage and be an inspiration to people like us who has been struggling with their weight since they were born.

So what are my guilt free foods (especially the snacks in between your meals) this past few weeks? If I get hungry, I eat! That doesn't mean I have to consume unnecessary calories to satisfy my tummy then feel guilty after the burp. What do I eat?

I eat fruits or vegetables since I just wanted something to keep me together and feeling less hungry before my next meal and this help me from feeling overly desirous and wanting to eat every food my eyes had seen. And what exactly are these foods?

  • yogurt or a fruit smoothie
  • celery sticks, strawberries, apples
  • whole grain crackers
  • cheese
  • walnuts, almonds
  • pretzels
So for the past two - three weeks, I'm just planning my meals and snacks very well and my meals and the snacks in between are healthy and well portioned so I don't have to be feeling guilty from eating.

You don't have to be caught in the middle, if you want to eat or you just go and pretend you're not hungry. Eating is not cheating as long as you keep it healthy and well portioned.

Love lots,


(Image credits to the person who did it, I found the pic on Google Images :p)

I thought I'd never do it but wow. It's happening.

Yep, Mara speaking/typing/telepathically relaying this message to you :p

But yes, aside from cutting back on my meals again, I have *gasped* started exercising.

I only started Tuesday but I've been doing it regularly :)

What is "it" exactly?

Well it's not much, but it sure beats doing nothing y'know?

My exercise regimen that I plan on adapting (and have been doing) is simple. I made it "fun" just so I can maintain it and I always always use my beloved exercise ball (it's blue, big, round and wonderful). And it consists of:

  • 15 hip-ups (is that what they're called? I forget. Let's stick to that)
  • 15 oblique crunches on each side
  • 15 push-ups
  • 15 minutes of bouncing on my ball
I'm serious. Why 15? I don't know, seems like a good number. I like structure, so there. I'll step up my game when the last week of August comes in and I'll turn 15 to 20 then (except for ball bouncing, that's gonna stay that way I think). I'm going to do it 6 times a week so that'd be like 20-25 mins of exercise almost everyday (except Saturday, my cheat day). That would total to me doing 120-150 mins or 2-2.5 hours of exercise a week!

I know it may not look like much but you gotta give me effort for trying :p And you know what?

No more excuses for this gal!

I'm busy, aren't we all? But I'm gonna try hard to make this work :)

Tips for picking an exercise regimen?
  1. Consult your doctor
  2. Know what to target
  3. Research
  4. Make it fun (try music, do bouncing :p)
  5. Try to do it with someone! A friend/spouse/family members/group of friends
  6. Keep it reasonable
  7. Make sure you'd stay motivated to do it
  8. Make sure it fits your means (not hard to maintain money/time-wise, etc)
Other tips for exercising?
  • Don't overdo it. You'll strain yourself!
  • Keep going!
  • Do NOT binge on fatty/high-cal stuff after. Make sure your diet/lifestylechangefoodthingIlikecallingwhatwe'redoinginsteadoftheworddiet and exercise regimen compliment each other, not cancel each other!
So there's that :)

We're all busy, yes. But if we can find time to blow on Facebook/*insert random way to kill time with here* then you sure can do the same for exercise. Just make it work for YOU.

'Til the next stop,
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